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7/22/10 - #2 Work Smarter Not Harder:

I know we have all heard this time and time again and yet I find with people (Myself included) that when you step back from a situation we are at times trying to reinvent the wheel or we will have routines that are simply over doing what has already been done or we as parents will go and clean up the bathroom after we told our kids to (and the did it just not to “OUR” standards). Think about how much time this wastes added on top of our already full schedules of soccer, yoga, church, errands, paying bills, and traveling. No wonder we all forget to breathe and appreciate each other at times!

Here are some ideas you could try for the next 10 days see if they make your life a bit easier.

1. Lay out your clothes (as well as the kids) the night before ~ Even Us stay home moms. We can avoid running around in PJ’s all day and then at the end of the day wonder “Man why do I feel so bad for not getting anything done, LOOK I am still in my PJ’s from last night!”

2. Each morning make you a list of things you would like to accomplish that day. (ex: Calls to make/errands to run/emails that need to be answered list 3-5 items per section)


3. Plan 1 night a week for a family night dinner every week. For each of us this day will be different. I have a friend, Shannon & Mac who have family Nights on Mondays. They order PaPa Johns Pizza and have a ball. Have a simple pizza from Wal-mart or hotdog’s or Loaded Nachos ,like my pal Monica makes for her family.

4. Plan 1 night a week for left-over’s. For us this is Wednesday night bcs we have church. I make plenty of food anyway throughout the week that this is an easy fall back plan.

5. Plan 1 night a week for a Crockpot meal. Throw all (most) ingredients in the AM and your are done. You could do this the day before a left-over’s night!

6. Plan 1 night a week for a casserole meal.

That right there is 4 nights taken care of.

If you are interested in the meals you can e-mail me Crockpot recipes or casserole recipes at....

If enough of ya wanna try this I can post each Sunday 1 crock pot recipe & casserole recipe for us all to try. This will give you plenty of time to go shopping for the items.


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