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6/2/10 Tip #2 Create an "Ada Girl or Ada Boy" File.....

What is an "Ada Girl / Ada Boy" Folder? Very simply put it's a file, it can be digital or a hard copy, of all the "Way to go", "Good job", "Thought you should know" e-mails, notes, texts or cards you have received over the years from your friends, family or peers.

Ok I know it may sound crazy but in reality is it really? We all have our down days, moments or second thoughts about choices we have made. Instead of beating ourselves up over it why not look at proof that others around you thing that you are Wonderful or a hard worker or a great friend? Words more specifically written words can be a very comforting thing.

Take a moment and collect all your "Ada Girl / Ada Boy" notes and so on. You will be surprise after going thru them and reading them how great you will feel and you may even have a goofy smile on your face.

Take it one step further.....YOU be that "ADA" for someone else. Thing of a person right now that has touched you in a special way, been there for you or just someone you see doing a great job either at the church, in school or where ever. Let them know how they are doing. With only 3 more days of school teachers would love to get those kinds of notes. Teach your child at an earlier age the art of letter writing!

To this day I love sending unexpected notes of love to my favorite people.

Allllllll the well wishes, prayers and kind words I have received over the last day as a response to starting my company have FOR SURE gone in my "Ada Girl" folder! Thank you all very much!

So can you meet this Challenge?

Till Next time
Why Agonize...Organize!