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6/16/10 UPDATE regarding how to Dispose of your Meds....

OK here it is: I called the medicine shope and spoke at length with David (Spence I think he said) his first comment was "DO NOT FLUSH" the expired medication. YES Medicine Shoppe in Angleton DOES have a contract with a company that take the old meds and properly disposses of it for you. The contract is with Sharps and they haul it off to Houston... See More, Texas once it is full.

David Said there is NO charge for this service and the meds DO NOT have to be purchased from there to use this service. He also said there had been a big write up int he local paper on this some time ago. So thank you Teresa & Becky for your comments PLEASE pass along to others.

Angleton Medicine Shoppe
2301 East Mulberry Street
Angleton, TX 77515-3804
(979) 849-9391

Below you will find a link on an alternative that is being offered.

6/16/10 Take Time Today

Today: Take 15 mins to go thru your medicine cabinet (if you dont finish leave it and come back to it after the kids have gone to bed)!

Trash all the stuff that has Expired
Combined like items (you know those 2 advil bottoms one has 10 pills the other one has 2) 
Get meds in 1 CENTRAL location & high so lil hands wont get to it!
Check in if you and toot your own horn once you have done this!
Till Next Time,