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6/1/10 Tip #1 Are you ORGANIZED if a Hurricane comes your way?

I read a post today from a friend & it talked of how she got her Hurrincane Emergancy Kit ready Thanks Stephanie).

It got me to thinking...Do I have my kit ready? Do any of us? Hey what goes in the kit? How much goes in the kit?

So I found a website I would like to share with each of you. I challenge each of you to take the time to:

1. Read it
2. Forward it to a friend
3. Book Mark it
4. DO IT

What I love about this site is that it is easy to read, as many of you may know I DO NOT LIKE to read so this is a big deal to me.

On the home page you will find a ton of valuable info such as the contact numbers and emails to local media, City of Houston, a hurricane tracking chart and so much more.

Also if you go to the link provided about a third of the way down there is a link called:
"Ready, Prepare, Plan & Stay informed"
Click on it and it will take you to a very infomred and easy to read layout if what you need in your kit.
I will be wokring on my kit over the next week or so.

Here it is again......

Till Next Time
Why Agonize...Organize

6/1/10 Today is the BIG day

Today is the day I announced my new business.  I am so excited.  I already have my first client YEA me.  Please take a minute to check out my website........I linked it above so let me see if it works!

Remember: "Why Agonize...Organize"