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7-28-10 ‎2day: (Wed) Organize UR to Do list ~ ABC

Create UR daily to do list.

In front of ea. event mark
A= MUST get done today
B= SHOULD B done today
C=Hope to get done today.
Whatever A's & B's dont get done --> the next day & get re-prioritized.
I picked this up in a Franklin Covey Seminar LOVE it. Helps so much.


7/27/10 Having A GREAT TUESDAY

I just won tickets to the filming of Great Day Houston AUG. 11! LOVE Debra Duncan!

Facebook | The Organizer's Photos - MY Before & Afters

Facebook The Organizer's Photos - MY Before & Afters Come take a look

2/27/10 - 2Day (for Tues): Consolidate Planners

Many people have more than 1 planner. This can lead 2 confusion, missed apts. & stress. Take today to buy & consolidate your planner. Add important # & emails. More later


7/26/10 - Bosom Buddies?

If you are near the Houston area and would like to participate this year in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure (Breast Cancer) please contact me about joining our team.  We are a group of ladies, friends, sister, mom & wives who would love to raise awareness!

Contact me at
On Facebook at: Melissa Rae Wheeler in Angleton Texas

7/26/10 - ‎2Day (for Monday): Flowers & Floors (35 Mins ONLY)

Its a new week get you flowers ($5-$10 Walmart or Krogers).
Sweep 3 rooms in your home and mop 2 rooms in your home.

Get ready for the rest of the week!


7/22/10 - #2 Work Smarter Not Harder:

I know we have all heard this time and time again and yet I find with people (Myself included) that when you step back from a situation we are at times trying to reinvent the wheel or we will have routines that are simply over doing what has already been done or we as parents will go and clean up the bathroom after we told our kids to (and the did it just not to “OUR” standards). Think about how much time this wastes added on top of our already full schedules of soccer, yoga, church, errands, paying bills, and traveling. No wonder we all forget to breathe and appreciate each other at times!

Here are some ideas you could try for the next 10 days see if they make your life a bit easier.

1. Lay out your clothes (as well as the kids) the night before ~ Even Us stay home moms. We can avoid running around in PJ’s all day and then at the end of the day wonder “Man why do I feel so bad for not getting anything done, LOOK I am still in my PJ’s from last night!”

2. Each morning make you a list of things you would like to accomplish that day. (ex: Calls to make/errands to run/emails that need to be answered list 3-5 items per section)


3. Plan 1 night a week for a family night dinner every week. For each of us this day will be different. I have a friend, Shannon & Mac who have family Nights on Mondays. They order PaPa Johns Pizza and have a ball. Have a simple pizza from Wal-mart or hotdog’s or Loaded Nachos ,like my pal Monica makes for her family.

4. Plan 1 night a week for left-over’s. For us this is Wednesday night bcs we have church. I make plenty of food anyway throughout the week that this is an easy fall back plan.

5. Plan 1 night a week for a Crockpot meal. Throw all (most) ingredients in the AM and your are done. You could do this the day before a left-over’s night!

6. Plan 1 night a week for a casserole meal.

That right there is 4 nights taken care of.

If you are interested in the meals you can e-mail me Crockpot recipes or casserole recipes at....

If enough of ya wanna try this I can post each Sunday 1 crock pot recipe & casserole recipe for us all to try. This will give you plenty of time to go shopping for the items.



"Get your routines established 1 habit at a time." ~ Marla Cilley


7/20/10 Are you there

I am not sure i will continue this blog or not.  i have received very few (less then a dozen i guess) comments on here so I am not sure anyone is really even reading these or cares.  Just thought you should know what was on my mind.  Have a good one

7/20/10 2Day: Update Address Book (hand written or electronic)

Update all info you have Name (correct spelling), address mailing & phsyhical, e-mail, cell, home, work #'s, anniv./ Bdays & kids names if u have it.
TIP Handwritten Address books:

* List under 1st names (easier than knowing last names).

* USE pencil this will keep it neat as this info changes almost monthly for some people lol.

* I list the month/year that i recieved their address's at the top right hand corner of there info. this way i can tell if i have the lastest info


7/17/10 Make up Drawer

My Make-up Drawer Before (Sorry for Poor Quality photo)

You have to at times work with what you have on hand. These drawers are deeeep & long, it is hard to find containers that would fit in this odd shaped drawer. I hated this bcs there was alot of dead space under the baskets & the BARELY fit

After Shot...

With a Container I purchased at Target for $12.99 It consists of 6 pieces. One Looong piece at the bottom (about 6' x 15') and 5 other random sized cubes that STACK ontop of the bottom one LOVE IT.
The white basket on the side I had in another drawer bcs I couldnt fit it in here B/F

These are 2 of the compartments they also have 2 small square ones

I was able to stack 2 eye pallets and still put the container (on the counter) on top of it and it fit perfectly

7/17/10 GROOBS ...cant wait

CANT wait...Should soon be ordering my first pair of GROOBS shoes the much anticipated..."FACEBROOK" shoe in the next couple of weeks! This is a Texas Local with a heart for charitites go check him and the shoes out at .......

7/17/10 COME on out and Help 15 year old Beto Morales Jr.

Benefit for 15 year old Beto Morales Jr

@ Bates Park in Angleton, TX today! BBQ plates $7 (11-3pm).
Silent Auction from 11-4pm AND STUFF FOR KIDS.


7/16/10 ~ Interesting Quote

"Life is constant change. So when something comes into UR life Enjoy it, Use it well & when it is time Let it go. Just bcs U own something doesnt mean U HAVE to keep it forever. U R just a Temporary Custodian of many things that pass through UR life."

~ Karen Kingston Author


6-15-10 ~ Habits

Routine is the birth of habit...If we could disciple ourselves to get into certain Routines we can develop some great Habits!.

Some Routines we could get in the habit of:

#1. Put Belongings Away Immediately ~ This helps in the following ways:

Saving Time ~ When you put an item away immediately (bcs it has a "home") you wont be wasting time finding it next time.

Saving Space ~ When you put an item away immediately it has a "Home" and will not use other space to fill

Prolonging the life of an item ~ When you put an item away immediately you will be able to truly get your moneys worth out of that item. It will last longer therefore you will enjoy it longer this will allow you to prolong the purchase of a replacement

Placing Value in items ~ When you put an item away immediately you are showing others around you (Kids other adults) that you value your belongings and they will possibly get the message they should as well when they use them or barrow them. Kids will especially be the ones to teach this to.

Clearing your mind of "Clutter" ~ When you put an item away immediately you don’t have to remember "I need to come back alter and put that away?" or "Where did thing go?" or "Did so and so barrow it and never give it back?" or worse yet "What is that smell?" lol

Save you money ~ When you put an item away immediately you will not have to go to the store buy something only to come home and later find out you have 3 bottles of Windex and 2 Pledge sprays & 5 Lint rollers. BCS everything has a home you will be able to see what you need and don’t need when it comes time to shop

Till Next Tip
The Organizer


‎2Day: Sorry for late start...Go thru Closets (Multi day ONLY allow 30 MINS TODAY)

Honestly this is a difficult thing for me! My closet is organized but I hold on to some things I know I will never fir again! So I am feeling ur pain today. Get rid of things that are OUT of style, DONT fit, Damaged, or you just Didnt they were there. Pack in trash bag.

Facebook | The Organizer

Facebook The Organizer


Proud of my Hubby

Proud Wife: I have to say I am so proud of Jason(Wheeler) His photgraphy work is being feathered on Houston Camera Exchange's official website. Please Take a moment to check out his work. He is soooo talented!



Chances are, like alot of us, U have barrowed a DVD, CD, Shirt, Hat, Chairs or Folding table from someone & just havent gotten around to giving it back or plum forgot about it...Well guess what? NOW IT is ADDING 2 UR CLUTTER....SO gather all that stuff in ONE area this week-end, By NEXT FRIDAY JULY 9th GIVE IT BACK! Then check in w/us

2Day: Write & Send A Card..(10 Mins)

In todays fast paced world actually writting someone a letter/card is a dying & lost ART! You know how wonderful it is to get a card in the mail unexpectedly? It can really make ones day. Write some one u havent seen or spoken to in a while..Just let them know "Hey I am thinking of YOU" NO TEXTS or EMAIL GET a PEN & get to work. Be a blessing to someone.....

6/15/10 Why the "Chamber of Commerce?".....

Recently I sent in an online application for my business to join the "Greater Angleton Chamber of Commerce” I wasn’t really expecting to hear much back to be honest with ya. I thought perhaps they would mail me some info in a few days.

Well I received a call last week from Tonya Visor who serves on the board of directors at the Angleton Chamber of Commerce. I was to be honest, impressed. In other circumstances when you fill out an online app you have someone from a "Call Center" call you and half listen to what you were "inquiring about" as they smack gum and file their nails.....So I was pleasantly surprised to hear from Ms. Tonya.

We spent a while on the phone talking about all the benefits to being a member of the was a whole lot more than I was aware of. She was so helpful and patient in answering all my questions. What I appreciated the most was her "realness" and sincerity in talking to me, her interest in the kind of business i was starting, her excitement in telling me everything she thought I needed to know, her respect for the Chamber and our Community as well as the fact that she was NOT at all aggressive or pushy about me needing to "JOIN NOW NOW NOW". I felt like i was talking to a friend not a sales person or anything like that. FOR me that kind of thing is priceless!

We met today so we could go over some more info and sign some forms. I will share with you just SOME of the benifits to being a Chamber Member....

Monthly Member Luncheons
2 listings in the membership directory
Advertising on their website
New members mentioned in their newsletter
Volunteer opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities
Committee meetings
Use of their conference room at discounted rates
Referrals from the Chamber and soooo much more!

This is how I have always seen it.... The Chamber is the heartbeat of any city, it is the first place new people call, the first place to get a vibe on what the city is all about and being a part of it gives the shopper a sense of accountability.

So Why join the Chamber of Commerce as a small business owner? The real question really is WHY WOULDNT you?

Till NExt Time,

2Day: Deep CLean Microwave (Alot 8-10 Mins)

USE MICROWAVE SAFE BOWL! Fill bowl 1/2 way with water, Squeeze juice of whole lemon in the water (i added the leamons as well) Place in microwave, set for 6 mins, let stand for 2 mins, remove CAREFUL ITS BOILING STILL and use kitchen scrubber to wipe away all stuck on food. T...he boiling water softens the food making this step EASY