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7/20/10 Are you there

I am not sure i will continue this blog or not.  i have received very few (less then a dozen i guess) comments on here so I am not sure anyone is really even reading these or cares.  Just thought you should know what was on my mind.  Have a good one

7/20/10 2Day: Update Address Book (hand written or electronic)

Update all info you have Name (correct spelling), address mailing & phsyhical, e-mail, cell, home, work #'s, anniv./ Bdays & kids names if u have it.
TIP Handwritten Address books:

* List under 1st names (easier than knowing last names).

* USE pencil this will keep it neat as this info changes almost monthly for some people lol.

* I list the month/year that i recieved their address's at the top right hand corner of there info. this way i can tell if i have the lastest info