Please leave COMMENTS, visit my website at or become a fan at look up "The Organizer"



‎2Day: The Pantry

Lets get that pantry Organized. Wipe down &/or dust shelves, Label shelves, group like items together, have all labels facing out, sweep & mop in there,Wipe door down on in/outside.

Take a pic of bf & after and post my facebook fan page.  look for "The Organizer"


9/23/10 ‎~ 2Day: Ceiling Fans & Door ways (30 mins)

Take the stepping stool, bottle of pledge & a dust rag and go to town. Clean all the ceiling fans in your house and the top of all the door ways in those rooms.


8/25/10 BIG Love Cancer Care

Did you know for as little as $50 you could be a "Joy Sponsor" at BIG Loves 3rd annual fun run?

You will get your name on the 3rd annual custom made run shirt, 2 paid run registrations, 2 event shirts and other oppurtunities..go to the link to sponsor today.


8/11/10 Self Reflection

If someone tells you U R a super hero DONT Believe them. Mortal or super human, cluttered or Organized we ALL only have 24 HOURS In each day...Dont over stretch yourself. Love life!

Just got a donation/Sponsorship

Just got a donation/Sponsorship from GROOBS Shoes for BIG Love Fun Run on Sept 18th. Go check them out  BIG thanks to Jason Fry, Founder


Auction items needed...

BIG Love will be having a Silent Auction on Sept. 18. in Angleton @ 1st Baptist Church. If you, your family , women's group or church would like to donate items to be featured in the Silent Auction please let me know 979-215-6205 or


Purchase With A Purpose

Just got a Pre-order for Premier Jewlery. Order between now and Aug. 13th & 50% of proceeds will got to Our teams $1200 pledge for Susan G Komen 5K (Breast Cancer Awareness)


TV Appearance for BIG Love Cancer Care

B.I.G. Love will be appearing on Great Day Houston tomorrow morning to promote Chilhood Cancer Awareness Month and our fun run Sept. 18th. Our founder Jessica Phillips will be speaking on the show...9:00 on Channel 11!!

Please tell everyone


Food Pantry

Community Food Pantry Donations:

Open Mondays & Thursdays 9:30 - 11:30 am

Non-Perishable food items take to 216 W. Murray Angleton, Texas 77515


7-28-10 ‎2day: (Wed) Organize UR to Do list ~ ABC

Create UR daily to do list.

In front of ea. event mark
A= MUST get done today
B= SHOULD B done today
C=Hope to get done today.
Whatever A's & B's dont get done --> the next day & get re-prioritized.
I picked this up in a Franklin Covey Seminar LOVE it. Helps so much.


7/27/10 Having A GREAT TUESDAY

I just won tickets to the filming of Great Day Houston AUG. 11! LOVE Debra Duncan!

Facebook | The Organizer's Photos - MY Before & Afters

Facebook The Organizer's Photos - MY Before & Afters Come take a look

2/27/10 - 2Day (for Tues): Consolidate Planners

Many people have more than 1 planner. This can lead 2 confusion, missed apts. & stress. Take today to buy & consolidate your planner. Add important # & emails. More later


7/26/10 - Bosom Buddies?

If you are near the Houston area and would like to participate this year in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure (Breast Cancer) please contact me about joining our team.  We are a group of ladies, friends, sister, mom & wives who would love to raise awareness!

Contact me at
On Facebook at: Melissa Rae Wheeler in Angleton Texas

7/26/10 - ‎2Day (for Monday): Flowers & Floors (35 Mins ONLY)

Its a new week get you flowers ($5-$10 Walmart or Krogers).
Sweep 3 rooms in your home and mop 2 rooms in your home.

Get ready for the rest of the week!


7/22/10 - #2 Work Smarter Not Harder:

I know we have all heard this time and time again and yet I find with people (Myself included) that when you step back from a situation we are at times trying to reinvent the wheel or we will have routines that are simply over doing what has already been done or we as parents will go and clean up the bathroom after we told our kids to (and the did it just not to “OUR” standards). Think about how much time this wastes added on top of our already full schedules of soccer, yoga, church, errands, paying bills, and traveling. No wonder we all forget to breathe and appreciate each other at times!

Here are some ideas you could try for the next 10 days see if they make your life a bit easier.

1. Lay out your clothes (as well as the kids) the night before ~ Even Us stay home moms. We can avoid running around in PJ’s all day and then at the end of the day wonder “Man why do I feel so bad for not getting anything done, LOOK I am still in my PJ’s from last night!”

2. Each morning make you a list of things you would like to accomplish that day. (ex: Calls to make/errands to run/emails that need to be answered list 3-5 items per section)


3. Plan 1 night a week for a family night dinner every week. For each of us this day will be different. I have a friend, Shannon & Mac who have family Nights on Mondays. They order PaPa Johns Pizza and have a ball. Have a simple pizza from Wal-mart or hotdog’s or Loaded Nachos ,like my pal Monica makes for her family.

4. Plan 1 night a week for left-over’s. For us this is Wednesday night bcs we have church. I make plenty of food anyway throughout the week that this is an easy fall back plan.

5. Plan 1 night a week for a Crockpot meal. Throw all (most) ingredients in the AM and your are done. You could do this the day before a left-over’s night!

6. Plan 1 night a week for a casserole meal.

That right there is 4 nights taken care of.

If you are interested in the meals you can e-mail me Crockpot recipes or casserole recipes at....

If enough of ya wanna try this I can post each Sunday 1 crock pot recipe & casserole recipe for us all to try. This will give you plenty of time to go shopping for the items.



"Get your routines established 1 habit at a time." ~ Marla Cilley


7/20/10 Are you there

I am not sure i will continue this blog or not.  i have received very few (less then a dozen i guess) comments on here so I am not sure anyone is really even reading these or cares.  Just thought you should know what was on my mind.  Have a good one

7/20/10 2Day: Update Address Book (hand written or electronic)

Update all info you have Name (correct spelling), address mailing & phsyhical, e-mail, cell, home, work #'s, anniv./ Bdays & kids names if u have it.
TIP Handwritten Address books:

* List under 1st names (easier than knowing last names).

* USE pencil this will keep it neat as this info changes almost monthly for some people lol.

* I list the month/year that i recieved their address's at the top right hand corner of there info. this way i can tell if i have the lastest info


7/17/10 Make up Drawer

My Make-up Drawer Before (Sorry for Poor Quality photo)

You have to at times work with what you have on hand. These drawers are deeeep & long, it is hard to find containers that would fit in this odd shaped drawer. I hated this bcs there was alot of dead space under the baskets & the BARELY fit

After Shot...

With a Container I purchased at Target for $12.99 It consists of 6 pieces. One Looong piece at the bottom (about 6' x 15') and 5 other random sized cubes that STACK ontop of the bottom one LOVE IT.
The white basket on the side I had in another drawer bcs I couldnt fit it in here B/F

These are 2 of the compartments they also have 2 small square ones

I was able to stack 2 eye pallets and still put the container (on the counter) on top of it and it fit perfectly

7/17/10 GROOBS ...cant wait

CANT wait...Should soon be ordering my first pair of GROOBS shoes the much anticipated..."FACEBROOK" shoe in the next couple of weeks! This is a Texas Local with a heart for charitites go check him and the shoes out at .......

7/17/10 COME on out and Help 15 year old Beto Morales Jr.

Benefit for 15 year old Beto Morales Jr

@ Bates Park in Angleton, TX today! BBQ plates $7 (11-3pm).
Silent Auction from 11-4pm AND STUFF FOR KIDS.


7/16/10 ~ Interesting Quote

"Life is constant change. So when something comes into UR life Enjoy it, Use it well & when it is time Let it go. Just bcs U own something doesnt mean U HAVE to keep it forever. U R just a Temporary Custodian of many things that pass through UR life."

~ Karen Kingston Author


6-15-10 ~ Habits

Routine is the birth of habit...If we could disciple ourselves to get into certain Routines we can develop some great Habits!.

Some Routines we could get in the habit of:

#1. Put Belongings Away Immediately ~ This helps in the following ways:

Saving Time ~ When you put an item away immediately (bcs it has a "home") you wont be wasting time finding it next time.

Saving Space ~ When you put an item away immediately it has a "Home" and will not use other space to fill

Prolonging the life of an item ~ When you put an item away immediately you will be able to truly get your moneys worth out of that item. It will last longer therefore you will enjoy it longer this will allow you to prolong the purchase of a replacement

Placing Value in items ~ When you put an item away immediately you are showing others around you (Kids other adults) that you value your belongings and they will possibly get the message they should as well when they use them or barrow them. Kids will especially be the ones to teach this to.

Clearing your mind of "Clutter" ~ When you put an item away immediately you don’t have to remember "I need to come back alter and put that away?" or "Where did thing go?" or "Did so and so barrow it and never give it back?" or worse yet "What is that smell?" lol

Save you money ~ When you put an item away immediately you will not have to go to the store buy something only to come home and later find out you have 3 bottles of Windex and 2 Pledge sprays & 5 Lint rollers. BCS everything has a home you will be able to see what you need and don’t need when it comes time to shop

Till Next Tip
The Organizer


‎2Day: Sorry for late start...Go thru Closets (Multi day ONLY allow 30 MINS TODAY)

Honestly this is a difficult thing for me! My closet is organized but I hold on to some things I know I will never fir again! So I am feeling ur pain today. Get rid of things that are OUT of style, DONT fit, Damaged, or you just Didnt they were there. Pack in trash bag.

Facebook | The Organizer

Facebook The Organizer


Proud of my Hubby

Proud Wife: I have to say I am so proud of Jason(Wheeler) His photgraphy work is being feathered on Houston Camera Exchange's official website. Please Take a moment to check out his work. He is soooo talented!



Chances are, like alot of us, U have barrowed a DVD, CD, Shirt, Hat, Chairs or Folding table from someone & just havent gotten around to giving it back or plum forgot about it...Well guess what? NOW IT is ADDING 2 UR CLUTTER....SO gather all that stuff in ONE area this week-end, By NEXT FRIDAY JULY 9th GIVE IT BACK! Then check in w/us

2Day: Write & Send A Card..(10 Mins)

In todays fast paced world actually writting someone a letter/card is a dying & lost ART! You know how wonderful it is to get a card in the mail unexpectedly? It can really make ones day. Write some one u havent seen or spoken to in a while..Just let them know "Hey I am thinking of YOU" NO TEXTS or EMAIL GET a PEN & get to work. Be a blessing to someone.....

6/15/10 Why the "Chamber of Commerce?".....

Recently I sent in an online application for my business to join the "Greater Angleton Chamber of Commerce” I wasn’t really expecting to hear much back to be honest with ya. I thought perhaps they would mail me some info in a few days.

Well I received a call last week from Tonya Visor who serves on the board of directors at the Angleton Chamber of Commerce. I was to be honest, impressed. In other circumstances when you fill out an online app you have someone from a "Call Center" call you and half listen to what you were "inquiring about" as they smack gum and file their nails.....So I was pleasantly surprised to hear from Ms. Tonya.

We spent a while on the phone talking about all the benefits to being a member of the was a whole lot more than I was aware of. She was so helpful and patient in answering all my questions. What I appreciated the most was her "realness" and sincerity in talking to me, her interest in the kind of business i was starting, her excitement in telling me everything she thought I needed to know, her respect for the Chamber and our Community as well as the fact that she was NOT at all aggressive or pushy about me needing to "JOIN NOW NOW NOW". I felt like i was talking to a friend not a sales person or anything like that. FOR me that kind of thing is priceless!

We met today so we could go over some more info and sign some forms. I will share with you just SOME of the benifits to being a Chamber Member....

Monthly Member Luncheons
2 listings in the membership directory
Advertising on their website
New members mentioned in their newsletter
Volunteer opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities
Committee meetings
Use of their conference room at discounted rates
Referrals from the Chamber and soooo much more!

This is how I have always seen it.... The Chamber is the heartbeat of any city, it is the first place new people call, the first place to get a vibe on what the city is all about and being a part of it gives the shopper a sense of accountability.

So Why join the Chamber of Commerce as a small business owner? The real question really is WHY WOULDNT you?

Till NExt Time,

2Day: Deep CLean Microwave (Alot 8-10 Mins)

USE MICROWAVE SAFE BOWL! Fill bowl 1/2 way with water, Squeeze juice of whole lemon in the water (i added the leamons as well) Place in microwave, set for 6 mins, let stand for 2 mins, remove CAREFUL ITS BOILING STILL and use kitchen scrubber to wipe away all stuck on food. T...he boiling water softens the food making this step EASY


Facebook | The Organizer

Facebook The Organizer


6/20/10 Happy fathers Day Guys...........

Happy Father's day to my Dad Fred Wessels of Danbury, My hubby Jason Wheeler & my Brother (nLaw) Eric Nunley of Danbury.

You are all wonderful men and the kids are so blessed to be loved by you all!


Before and Afters.......

Before and Afters.......

Before: Right Vuu      Before: Left Vuu     After: Mid Vuu

Clients Storage Room 


6/18/10 Server Re-Vuu ~ Brittany @ IHOP

202 Highway 332

Lake Jackson, TX 77566-5682
(979) 285-0606

Ok so we all know about IHOP.  Well tonight my hubby 3 kids and niece went to eat there for a late dinner.  To our pleasant surprise we happened to come in on a special.  From 4pm-10pm All kids eat free with an adult entree purchased.  This was great. 

WHAT was even better was our server Brittany.  She was young (maybe mid to late 20's), positive, upbeat and GREAT with the kids.
When we got in I asked out oldest to ask for a table outta the way and let them know we had a loud bunch of kids tonight so we got the back section LOVED IT!
Brittany took our drink and kids orders and turned them in first so they could be ready ASAP then she brought out a "Snack platter" for the kids.  Saltine Crackers and 2 tiny cups of chocolate chips and 2 tiny cups of cherries.  The kids loved it. 
She was so nice and happy about her job it seemed it was contagious. 
I enjoyed the service and her happiness.
Once we were about to leave she came to me and said that since i had tomatoes with my meal she wanted to see if i would like their new oven roasted tomatoes and brought me a couple.  I thought that was a nice touch.  and yes i did like them very tasty.
She said she works most all week-ends and gets there about 3pm.  She has been there 5 years and it no wonder why.
Now FYI...if you are a  "LONER" person who likes to be served and never thought of again till the end of the meal then Brittany is NOT for you.  i dont mean that in a rude way but she IS a people person and loves to help & serve. 

IF you are in the are please check her out, tip big and tell her Melissa sent cha.  i told her (Afterwards) that i would blog about this. 

Till Next time



6/17/10 Today Take 15 mins...

Today: Take 15 mins and Go thru your purse...

Trash old wrappers,old food receipts, items U don’t need. You'll need your wallet, phone, small camara, make up bag & coupon book.

HINT: A purse w/ a DIFFERENT color interior lining (not black) will B easier to find things in. Purses w/ black lining R difficult to find ur Most "purse items" R black (wallet, phone)

I favor RED, Pink or Turquoise linings.
Till NExt Time,


6/16/10 UPDATE regarding how to Dispose of your Meds....

OK here it is: I called the medicine shope and spoke at length with David (Spence I think he said) his first comment was "DO NOT FLUSH" the expired medication. YES Medicine Shoppe in Angleton DOES have a contract with a company that take the old meds and properly disposses of it for you. The contract is with Sharps and they haul it off to Houston... See More, Texas once it is full.

David Said there is NO charge for this service and the meds DO NOT have to be purchased from there to use this service. He also said there had been a big write up int he local paper on this some time ago. So thank you Teresa & Becky for your comments PLEASE pass along to others.

Angleton Medicine Shoppe
2301 East Mulberry Street
Angleton, TX 77515-3804
(979) 849-9391

Below you will find a link on an alternative that is being offered.

6/16/10 Take Time Today

Today: Take 15 mins to go thru your medicine cabinet (if you dont finish leave it and come back to it after the kids have gone to bed)!

Trash all the stuff that has Expired
Combined like items (you know those 2 advil bottoms one has 10 pills the other one has 2) 
Get meds in 1 CENTRAL location & high so lil hands wont get to it!
Check in if you and toot your own horn once you have done this!
Till Next Time,


6/15/10 Why the "Chamber of Commerce?".....

Recently I sent in an online application for my business to join the "Greater Angleton Chamber of Commerce” I wasn’t really expecting to hear much back to be honest with ya. I thought perhaps they would mail me some info in a few days.

Well I received a call last week from Tonya Visor who serves on the board of directors at the Angleton Chamber of Commerce. I was to be honest, impressed. In other circumstances when you fill out an online app you have someone from a "Call Center" call you and half listen to what you were "inquiring about" as they smack gum and file their nails.....So I was pleasantly surprised to hear from Ms. Tonya.

We spent a while on the phone talking about all the benefits to being a member of the was a whole lot more than I was aware of. She was so helpful and patient in answering all my questions. What I appreciated the most was her "realness" and sincerity in talking to me, her interest in the kind of business i was starting, her excitement in telling me everything she thought I needed to know, her respect for the Chamber and our Community as well as the fact that she was NOT at all aggressive or pushy about me needing to "JOIN NOW NOW NOW". I felt like i was talking to a friend not a sales person or anything like that. FOR me that kind of thing is priceless!

We met today so we could go over some more info and sign some forms. I will share with you just SOME of the benifits to being a Chamber Member....

Monthly Member Luncheons
2 listings in the membership directory
Advertising on their website
New members mentioned in their newsletter
Volunteer opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities
Committee meetings
Use of their conference room at discounted rates
Referrals from the Chamber and soooo much more!

This is how I have always seen it.... The Chamber is the heartbeat of any city, it is the first place new people call, the first place to get a vibe on what the city is all about and being a part of it gives the shopper a sense of accountability.

So Why join the Chamber of Commerce as a small business owner? The real question really is WHY WOULDNT you?

Till NExt Time,



6/11/10 What is your Clutter WORTH......

Since we all know money talks lets talk organization (or lack ther of) and do the 2 relate to you?

Lets take the following numbers and see how much you are spending on the clutter in your home.

Avg. Home priced @ $150,000.
Avg. sq. Ft of home 1,700
= $88.24 per Sq. Ft

Sq. Ft of a room with clutter 10x10 (multiply = 100 Sq. Ft.)
= $8424.00

You are paying $8,424.00 for "storage" a year in your home that comes out to 6% of you MORTGAGE ...Did I mention this breaks down to $702.00 A MONTH?

So is it time to call in The Organizer yet?


6/9/10 How do i know if I need a personal Organizer ~ Take Quiz here

So we all have had a day or 2 when we feel a little overwhelmed by clutter and such but does that mean you run right out and hire a professional organizer? No but how do you know when that day or 2 has turned into a season and it is time to call in "The Organizer?" Here is an informal quiz to help you clear your head and answer that once and for all..just answer true or false to each of these statements……

1. If you are you TAKING this quiz right now
2. If you are overwhelmed when you are in this room / area
3. If you are embarrassed to have an “Unexpected Guest “ come by and see your room /area
4. If when guests do come by they do NOT have a clean spot to sit in this room /area
5. Items do not have a particular place when not in use

6. If you are unable to be productive in this room / area
7. If you can NOT see the floors in this room / area
8. If you can NOT see the desk/counter tops in this room / area
9. If you can NOT easily and safely move around in this room / area
10. If you are NOT proud of this room / area

11. If you feel negatively when you are in this room / area
12. If all elements in this room / area are not functioning or necessary (Phone, tv, fax, desk, chair ect.)
13. If others can NOT safely navigate in this room / area (Adults, seniors & children)
14. If all items are NOT clearly marked or identified
15. If you have to move stuff off your bed to sleep at night
16. If you or other family members talk negatively about a room / area

Now take a look at your answers if most of these statements are true then it maybe time to call The Organizer and let me help.

Till Next time

* Resource: Conquer the Clutter:Reclaim your space, reclaim your life
By: Meredith books


6/8/10 Tip #4 Save time at lunch AND make a healthier choice...

Ok all you salad lovers here is my tip on how to save time as well make a healthier lunch choice.

I Premake my salads on Sun. & Wed. evenings and they last me all week long. I use those containers you can buy from Wal-Mart "Take-A-Longs by Rubbermaid 3.25 Qrt" they are the perfect size.

Go to the store and buy FRESH ingredients in the produce section (I tried the Bag-o-salads with this once and they lasted all of 20 mins lol)

Baby Spinach (Bag is fine)
Romaine Lettuce
Green Leafy Lettuce
Carrots (I love matchsticks)
Shredded Cheese (or Feta Cheese)
Sunflower seeds
Dried Cranberries
Bacon Bits (In the pouch by Oscar Myere I think)

Rinse all the lettuce/spinach and let dry
Cut up all the veggies and toss in
Seal and let air out of container
Shake up

Now you are set when lunch, snack or hunger sets in go to the salad and add your fav dressing. When I do this I find I eat much better. I will usually make a sandwich and or have a bowl of soup with it as well.

I would add things like shrimp, BANANA PEPPERS, chicken or avocado to it right before you eat a helping not at the same time as the rest of the other stuff is added.

Till next time....

6/8/10 Grand Opening Special......

I will be running a Grand Opening Special from 6/9/10 to 7/9/10 for "The Organizer"

Organizer This plan
5 Hours
NOW: $125.00
Savings of $25.00 (= 1 hour FREE)

Movers & Shakers plan
10 hours
NOW: $300.00
Savings of $150.00 (=3.5 hours FREE)

If you have any questions or to set up an in home /office consult please contact me or visit my website

Melissa R Wheeler


6/4/10 Tip #3 PRE-Sort your laundry in order to save on time & YOUR sanity...

Ok I think that for most of us we hate doing laundry. I mean it is made up of so many differnt parts...

1. Gather the clothes
2. SORT the clothes
3. Wash the clothes
4. Dry the clothes
5. Sort the clothes again (Sort into pile for each fam. mem...Dad, mom, kids)
6. Put away the clothes

SIX steps to wash a stinkin load of clothes (no pun intended). So today lets get rid of 2 steps! We can work on the rest another day.

If you have side by side washer and dryer THAT are also front load this will be easy. IF you have a good size laundry room this too will also be easy....

Purchase baskets (one for each color grouping or however much space you have) that are rather large and stand more upright than wide (I bought the ones pictured at Wal-Mart and they are for sale there now!)

Next make up a tag for each basket (and stick it to the front of the basket) that says (mine say):

SOCKS & UNDIES (whites)
DARKS (Black, Blue, Purple, Red, Pink) ......I wash the last 3 together never had a problem
LIGHT (Gray, Light Blue, Yellow) ........everyday clothes basically

I also add a Charcoal Box (about 3 bucks at Wal-Mart) in the room between the baskets to help eliminate odors

I write the labels just as shown above bcs like anything else you have to "train" your family how to best help you out.

I use to be of the mind set of "Heck they dont do it how i like it so I will just DO it MYSELF” Well this made for a mad and snappy mom. I (and the family) were tired of that. I am now of the mind set of "Hey they have helped out and that is what matters!"

So with this system each member (except the 4 and 2 year old) help by PUTTING THERE OWN CLOTHES IN THE BASKETS!

This allows for:
1. ALL Clothes in one central location
2. Eliminates orders in the separate bedrooms
3. Teaches each family member how to follow directions
4. Teaches each family member how to chip in

So try this out I hope it helps.

Till Next Time
Why Agonize...Organize!
YOU can also find me on Facebook with Tips at "The Organizer"


6/2/10 Tip #2 Create an "Ada Girl or Ada Boy" File.....

What is an "Ada Girl / Ada Boy" Folder? Very simply put it's a file, it can be digital or a hard copy, of all the "Way to go", "Good job", "Thought you should know" e-mails, notes, texts or cards you have received over the years from your friends, family or peers.

Ok I know it may sound crazy but in reality is it really? We all have our down days, moments or second thoughts about choices we have made. Instead of beating ourselves up over it why not look at proof that others around you thing that you are Wonderful or a hard worker or a great friend? Words more specifically written words can be a very comforting thing.

Take a moment and collect all your "Ada Girl / Ada Boy" notes and so on. You will be surprise after going thru them and reading them how great you will feel and you may even have a goofy smile on your face.

Take it one step further.....YOU be that "ADA" for someone else. Thing of a person right now that has touched you in a special way, been there for you or just someone you see doing a great job either at the church, in school or where ever. Let them know how they are doing. With only 3 more days of school teachers would love to get those kinds of notes. Teach your child at an earlier age the art of letter writing!

To this day I love sending unexpected notes of love to my favorite people.

Allllllll the well wishes, prayers and kind words I have received over the last day as a response to starting my company have FOR SURE gone in my "Ada Girl" folder! Thank you all very much!

So can you meet this Challenge?

Till Next time
Why Agonize...Organize!


6/1/10 Tip #1 Are you ORGANIZED if a Hurricane comes your way?

I read a post today from a friend & it talked of how she got her Hurrincane Emergancy Kit ready Thanks Stephanie).

It got me to thinking...Do I have my kit ready? Do any of us? Hey what goes in the kit? How much goes in the kit?

So I found a website I would like to share with each of you. I challenge each of you to take the time to:

1. Read it
2. Forward it to a friend
3. Book Mark it
4. DO IT

What I love about this site is that it is easy to read, as many of you may know I DO NOT LIKE to read so this is a big deal to me.

On the home page you will find a ton of valuable info such as the contact numbers and emails to local media, City of Houston, a hurricane tracking chart and so much more.

Also if you go to the link provided about a third of the way down there is a link called:
"Ready, Prepare, Plan & Stay informed"
Click on it and it will take you to a very infomred and easy to read layout if what you need in your kit.
I will be wokring on my kit over the next week or so.

Here it is again......

Till Next Time
Why Agonize...Organize

6/1/10 Today is the BIG day

Today is the day I announced my new business.  I am so excited.  I already have my first client YEA me.  Please take a minute to check out my website........I linked it above so let me see if it works!

Remember: "Why Agonize...Organize"


4/20/10 Store/Shopping Re~Vuu On The Run (Not for me)

NOTE: I realize that everyone's experience in a paarticular situation IS different. I am ONLY sharing MY experience with the manager, Mr. Gerardo Mora at On the Run ~ Pearland. So not hate comments please.

On The Run in Pearland
10009 Broadway Street Suite 101
Pearland, TX 77584
Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10:00a to 6:30p, Sun. 12:00noon to 5:00p

OK for a new runner the world of running, whether it be 5k's, 10k's 1/2 or full marathons can be overwhelming to say the least. There is a wealth of information to be had and GIVEN from so many people. It is hard to focus in on one or 2 sources to trust. I am fortunate enough to have 4 friends who are avid runners & have been more than kind enough to answer questions I may have, as well as find a website or 2 that I feel stirs me right.

I have been at this running thing since Aug. 09 (w/ a 2 mon. hideous) that being said I figured that the next logical step was to go and get my foot fitted for a running shoe right? So I was planning a trip next month after this race (4/24/10). Well late last week I got a call from a friend who had a WONDERFUL experience with On the Run in Pearland. Well her excitement was contagious. So the next day bright & early I went to the same place & was hoping for a grand experience.

Well I arrived & it was ....ordinary to say the least it was nice but nothing like what my friend had exp. I was a tad disappointed. I chalked it up to "Hey different people + different sales guy = diff. exp." No biggie.

Well 2 days later I went to D.P for my weekly run. Shoes/ new socks felt fine the first 1.5 miles then it happened I felt a "hot spot" aka starting of a blister in a NEW place. So I finished the walk a little more than 4 miles that day.

My first call was to the store on the way home to let them know about it and to see if I could exchange the shoes. No Answer. Came home and blogged and my "team" told me to return the shoe...I did today and if it was not a horrible and downright embarrassing experience I don’t know what else would have been.

Emailed the manager and he said the blister may not be bcs of the shoe per say but to come in and we will see what we can do.

Got there he was less than welcoming.....Refreshed his memory as to our e-mail. He was firm & adamant in saying "You know that when you run on a blister that it will aggravate it more...if you get new shoes today that doesn’t mean the blister will be gone?" WANTED to say "NO YOU dumb idiot I thought that if i bought some NIKE MEDICATED it would make all my foot aliments disappear" but alas I settled for "Uh huh"

He asked “Well did you know these were a wide? That is probably the problem" Me: No I didn’t ask for a wide I have no idea what they were I just bought what Bryan suggested.

I finally stopped him bcs he just had this tone with me ya know? SO I said "Look I know you have alot of knowledge in this area and obviously people like me who come in from off the street don’t know this..Thus the reason for coming here, paying a little more and putting our trust in your hands. There is so much info out there and to tell you the truth I am a little overwhelmed I just want your help" And I did it I did what any self respecting girl would never do in this situation...I started to cry...WHAT THE HECK? Yes GURL I did. I was not meaning too I was just feeling very lost ans stupid at this point and it just hit me. REGARDLESS this is how the rest of it went:

Let me just hit on the "Hot spots" of the rest of the visit between me &Mr. Gerardo Mora  .

1. "You know sometimes people get started in this field and they get obsessed with it and have no idea what they are doing. This can lead to injury and blisters. It’s just a blister after all."

2. "Perhaps you are pushing yourself to hard causing you to get blisters"
To which I said "Dude do you see the size I am? Do you REALLY think I am going all Carl Lewis out there Come on really?"

3. "Well maybe bcs of your weight and you running this is causing blisters."

4. "Sometimes it is just best if you stick with the shoes you have...I mean some people say that when you find what works why change it?"

5. " How many miles a week do you run?" (Me: 12-18 mi/wk) "Well you shoe (that I am currently in Nike Torch5) is considered a Neutral shoe and that is basically a lazy man’s shoe and it allows your foot to do whatever it wants no supporting it in any given way...when you are running more and it becomes more serious then maybe think about coming back and getting a shoe"

6. "I've never heard of that shoe anyway (The Nike Torch5) I was wearing"

7. "It's not like there is this Holy Grail of all shoes find what you like"

8. "This isnt an exact science sometimes you just go with what works for you"

Me: "Alrighttty then...Um Can I just get my money back then..You know it was probably more my fault bcs I tried to do this on a week bf I had a run and I just bit off more than I could harm no fail."

AS he is ringing me out (credit back) he says "You know I once had a girlfriend who no matter WHAT she bought whether it be a bed or a service or shoes or whatever she was never satisfied with it..."

I wanted to say "Thus the reason for her break up with you?" But "Uh Huh" came out instead!

SO that was my deal-io today and I thought that along with everything else I would share it with you!

So Mr. Gerardo Mora at On the Run in Pearland and I did not see eye to eye that is ok but really as manager with more than 30 Years running experience (ran the 300th Annivesary of the Boston Marathon and runs 60 miles a week) I would think that he could have been a little more nicer to say the least. not to mention professional...i mean when was the last time you were compared to a mangers ex-girlfriend as you were returning an item?

So I did just what he suggested i went to another store and bought shoes that felt good for me. After all I am just a lazy man running small time here right? maybe one day when i am serious i will be worthy of his help???

I am outta here...........

3/1/10 Small Business Re~Vuu Created Inspirations

Callin all SERIOUS Jewelry Makers and Bead Junkies.......We have a new place in town!

Created Inspirations
135 E. Mulberry (HWY 35)
Angleton, Texas 77515
PHONE: 979 -849-BEAD (2323)
Owner & Manager
Donna & Mr. Ditges

I heard of this place from My friend Monica. She raved about it for a while so my mom and i decided to stop on in.
We arrived about 30 mins. before closing time and they ended up stay 30 mins passed closing time! We were like kids in a candy store!

As soon as you walk in you are welcomed with gospel music and a slight hint of a pleasing aroma of flowers and everything "nice'. Once you walk in you forget that you are in Angleton or even walking in in in front of a busy Hwy!

From front to back of the store and left to right all you can see are beads beads beads and MORE beads. All different shapes, colors and finishes. Now dont get me wrong i am no expert I amd a complete newbie at all this but it was Overwhelmingly BEAUTIFUL!

The owners Donna and her hubby are so nice and outgoing. We found ourselves trading ideas and such for things from necklaces to metal clay!

They offer classes at thier store on week-ends. If they do not have a class in your area of interest Donna said just talk to her and she will see what she can do.

We signed in in their guest book and she told us she would let us know when her website was up and running.

I had a blast sitting and seperating some beads i purchased for a "project" I am going to do. In this particular bend you could search for beads and they were 10 cents or 25 cents depending on the size.

Donna and some of her own handy work has been featured in "STRINGING Magazine" Who knew we have a famous Jewelry maker righ here among us! I saw the magaine and her necklace featured in it and it was GORGEOUS.

Why go to Harwin when we have Mulberry?
You know how i love to shop local whenever possible lets support or local and new bussinesses. Go take a look at all her beautiful stuff. Pass the word.

1/15/10 Salon Re~Vuu Gingers Salon & Spa

I recently paid a visit to a local salon and had a fab expierence and would like to share it with you. If you are interested read on.......

Thursday1/14/10 @11:00am
Appt: With Shannon Jones
Gingers Salon
700 North Front Street
Angleton, Texas 77515

When I went in to see Shannon I was in SAD shape and that is being kind. Over a year and a half ago my hair went from a mop to a "Victoria Becken" cut by a lady in Houston who I found thru a friend. All was well until I noticed that once I really got to know my own hair and started feeling more daring I would tell her what to do and she kinda still did her own thing. THIS coupled with the fact it was a 60 MILE trip one way and she charged a SUBSTANTIAL amount I had second thoughts. SO i made an appt w/ Shannon...Shaggy grown own pathetic "Victoria" cut and all!

Walking in was like walking in to Old Hollywood immediately i felt relaxed and at ease. The lines in the place were clean cut and fresh. The elegant touches such as the Chandeliers, softly played feel good music, pop of black finishings and matallic sky blue wall are perfect. i felt like I was in a place that could really take care of my hair. I was greeted by a sweet young receptionist and then lead over to Shannon's chair.

I brought pictures which i never know if Stylist like or not but to each thier own. So we talked a lot about why I was there and what I wanted to see happen to my hair. She listened and even asked questions about what we talked about THAT right there showed me she was aiming to achieve what i wanted.

A'Cuttin she went. She took her time with me and never ,made me feel rushed. In the end she gave me the exact cut I have been wanting for sooooo long. I felt confident, happy, refreshed and FIERCE when I left there that day.

So make an appointment you will not be dissapointed. Ask for Shannon Jones


The price (for wash, cut, blow dry and style..Lets say under 45.00 YOU call for ur price)
Stylists (Ginger and Shannon and Nail Techs Cookie and his wife more on Cookie later)
Parking is plentiful
Variety of services (Nails, hair, Massages and more)

Location IF you are not familiar with the Angleton area you may over look it BUT once you go you wont forget. ACROSS FORM CVS



1/11/10 Restaurant Re~Vuu Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse

Tonight I had a girls night out with Mari and one Rani we tried a new local (Lake Jackson hey its still local) restaurant

Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse
602 E. Hwy 332
Lake Jackson, Texas 77566
Across the street form Buccees.
HOURS: Unknown..not on take out menu or website.

Tokyo is like the "Other" Chinese restaurants in Houson that have chefs prepare the meal infront of you. What I found here are the following:
1.) NICER wait staff ....and it started from the greeters in the entrance to the waitstaff that refilled our drinks.
2.) FRIENDLIER Hostess...She explained the way the set up worked as well as the diff. meals on the menu. She checked on us frequantly without being too pesky.
3.) More room at the Hibachi style area. 8-10 people could be sat per Chef.
4.) Enthusiastic Hibachi Chef's. He was actually taking pride in his "Art" and made the meal a very pleasant experience for all involved. There were adults, toddlers, and teens at our station and he made every one of us laugh.
5.) Portions of food were great. The rice and veggies that most everyone gets with thier orders are fabulous.

The "Other" place pales in compairson. They almost make you feel as if you are bothering then and they HAVE TO cook for you. I think they will have a run for thier money with Tokyo.

Price: It is a little pricey but it is so well worth it. Woulnd't go EVERY night but for sure for date night or for a change up in the norm.  Also this prices could reflect the fact that all the food is prepared in front of you and with what seemed to be the freshest ingrediendts.

YOU do have a choice to sit at a regular table or the Hibachi station.

The salad you get before your meal (at teh Hibachi station) is great and has a wonderful dressing BUT they are a bit HEAVY HANDED with it so you may wanna ask for them to go easy on it.
The Atmosphere was awesome. You felt the energy there. There were people and families of all ages. A great place for a date night, celerbration or for the girls!
Parking was fine but with as popular as this place will get they may wanna look into getting more.

So if you are reading this please take a moment to go and try Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse as soos as possible! I think this will be my new place to eat!

Sample Menu:


Edamame (Yumm) 2.95
Tokyo Scallops (fried) 6.95
Tempura shirmp 4.95
Yaki Tori (grilled Chicken on skewers) 4.95
Miso Soup 1.99
Combo. Bento 13.95 (choice of 3 items like sushi)
Most come with Soup of the day
House Salad
Vegie Tempura
Steamed or fried rice

8/27/09 Restaurant Re~Vuu Masa Sushi Sake Bar

Masa Sushi Sake Bar
Japanese Restaurant

1804 W. FM 646 Suite R
Dickinson Texas 77539
Phone: 281 -337 -1288

Well I first discovered this place when I had a "hankerin" for some sushi. We stopped in real quick and placed a to go order. It took about 10 mins to get this order...but it was worth the wait.
The rolls were rolled by hand and as I ordered none of this pre-made stuff. It was veeeery good. So I made a mental note and decided to try the dine in expierence ASAP.

My hubby and I had a recnet Date night. No reservations no call aheads we just dropped in.
Masa Sushi is in a strip center and this may put some people off at first bcs you would assume that being located there it is a fly by night place but one the doors open and you cross the threshold you are transported to a chic loungish atmosphere that is relaxing and welcoming.

They of course have the some Japanese decor around but it is not alllll over the place or done in a tacky way. The hostess is dress in her regular clothes (drees up very nicely) and the wait staff is dressed in all balck (if i recall correctly)...all look very sharp.

We are quickly welcomed and escorted to our table. They have it set up with tables in the center and the looooong wrap around "booth seating" along the wall and chair across form the booth (So one person is in the booth & the other in a chair).

We were welcomed by our waiter and told of the specials and given time to order. When we ordered this is what we had

Edamame $2.99
House Special Soup $1.50
Rock N Roll $5.50 (Shrip Tampura, Cucmber, Green onion & Avacado)
Spider $6.75 (Soft Shell Crab, cucumber, Green onion & Avacado)
Philadelphia $5.50 (Smoked samon, cream cheese & avacado)
1 more roll I forgot what it was called but yummy nevertheless

Needless to say we were stuuuuuffffffed. We had t take some home. The wait was a little bit lenghty BUT I assure you it was worth the wait. It was not enough to make you never wanna go back. I am thinking it may have just been an off day. I will try again soon and see if that was the case or if this is the norm.

Funny thing was that in the background they played classic rock...Bon Jovi and Posion I think heee hee

Jason , My hubby, said it was had an industrial adult feel bcs of the lighting and music.

The magr. Michelle did walk around and greet people, but it wasnt like at other places where they just ask"How is everything?" you say "Oh good." then walked off to the next table. During the course of the evening I saw her go to each and everytable and really take some time and speak and interact with the table of people. She made it seem like she was just there talking not working.

We did try an appitizer; it had a bit too much onion in it so when she came around i mentioned this to her and she really took my comment into consideration.
She compted that portion of the ticket and gave us a little something else as a thank you for our feed back.
I would say what the appitizer was till I try it again BCS i think they are REALLLLY on to something and given that change I feel like this could be one of thier great items they are known for Much like the blommin onnion is for Outback...I cant wait to try it again.

So to close I say go go go!


Something Different
LARGE Variety of foods
GREAT Prices
Great Atmosphere
Plenty of parking
Michelle the Mngr
Portions are awesome
Qaulity of food is top notch


In a strip center (so may turn people off or some may not try it simply bcs they think it is a fly by night place)
Table's (the table booth combo's only) are too close together...PPL next to you know EVERYthing you are talking about

All else is great

8/18/09 Restaurant Re~Vuu Chef Marc Anthony's Kitchen & Bakery

I had lunch today with a friend and we tried a new local restaurant

Chef Marc Anthony's Kitchen & Bakery
503 West Mulberry
Angleton, Texas 77515

Next door to Jack n the Box.

HOURS: 11am to 2:30 pm AND 4:30 pm to 9 pm TUES thru SAT.

Chef Marc Anthony's is in an old Pizza Hut, but have really tried to put a different touch to it.
I was immediatelygreated when I came in. They had a simple 2 sided menu with great descriptions of food. I saw things you dont normally see at local places like Chili's such as:

Fried Green Tomatoes
Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes
Thai Chicken Salad
Open faced pot Roast
Cajun Herb Crusted Salmon
AND Desserts

The prices were very affordable...$4.99 to $9.99

I had he Tostada Salad with Spicy Ranch MMMMMM MMMMMMMM good. It was packed with fresh veggies that were all well washed and cut by caring hand in the nearby and very open kitchen.
The wait staff were very friendly but not overly bothersome as in other places. The atmosphere was nice and on the quieter side but with soft rumble of other customers talking.

This place is family owened and Operated and the chef is a local AHS alumni that attended Culinary school and "Came back to feed the people of his home town"

I had actually tried there food for the first time at the wedding of some amazing people (Kent & Roberta Phillips last month). The staff there were the same staff working today and they were just as nice and professional today as they were on the wedding day.

The wedding day menu consisted of :
TO DIE FOR artichoke dip
Grilled Veggies
a fruit mix
bacon wrapped chicken

So if you are reading this please take a moment to go and try Chef Marc Anthony's as soos as possible! I think this will be my new place to eat!